Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday Parties

Hello everyone, this is Morry. Rachel's straightening up and getting ready for hosting a playgroup/baby shower tomorrow at the house, so I'm filling in.

Today was a really dreary day. In fact it was really foggy. The fog driving into work today was one of the thicker fogs I have seen in my 10 years in Austin. And it really never dissipated all day long.

Last night, Noah woke up at 11pm, 3pm and maybe 5 something. It was a few times. We ended up just having to let him cry it out each time. We'd go in there and calm him down but the moment we'd put him back in the crib he'd start crying. He has a bit of a cold so we raised his mattress and put a humidifier on in his room, but I guess it wasn't helping.

Meanwhile, Evan has a cold too and he's coughing a lot. It's not a "juicy" cough, just a normal cough and he was up several times in the night coughing. So he didn't get much sleep. When Rachel went in his room to get him up this morning, she had a hard time waking him. I guess he was just so exhausted. Both Rachel and I were worried about him. But his teacher said he acted completely fine today and she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. In fact, she seemed surprised we even asked the question.

Today at school was Evan's holiday party. The parents were invited to come to the party. The kids were supposed to decorate sugar cookies with frosting and jimmies (sprinkles for those of you not from the Northeast). As soon as Evan sat down, he stated eating the cookie. He didn't even want to wait to put the frosting on it. He was just so excited to get the cookie. I showed him how to spread the frosting on and then put the jimmies on top. We had fun and made a layer of frosting, then a layer of jimmies, then another layer of frosting and another layer of jimmies. He finished it quickly and asked for another cookie. It was funny to watch this whole scene because all the girls in the class were very diligent about spreading the frosting on the cookies while the boys just dove right in to eat the cookies.

When I got home from work, Evan was still napping but Noah was up. I was glad that Evan got some sleep. While Rachel was tutoring, I put on the movie Air Bud for Evan. It's about a dog who plays basketball. The dog hits the ball with his nose and it goes in the basket. Evan thought this was great and said he was going to teach Lizzy how to play basketball.

When Rachel got home, she got ready for my office holiday party. Evan asked if he could go. I said no, it was only for grown ups. Then he asked me if we were going to Costa Rica. I said no, we'd be home tonight. He then said "I want to go to Costa Rica." I promised him we'd take him sometime.

The babysitter said that both Evan and Noah went to bed with no problems. In fact, Evan stayed in bed. We have not heard Noah make any noise since we got home so that's good on both fronts.

Oh, and I won a CD at the holiday party by being the first to answer how to say Merry Christmas in Portuguese. (Our party was at a Brazilian restaurant) I didn't know how before the night but the waiters said it to us during the evening. So that was cool.

Until next time...

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