Monday, December 29, 2008

Middle of the night crying and morning tantrums

Evan woke up around 1am last night and I had to go calm him down and put a different CD in his player. Then, Noah was crying around 4am. I changed him, and gave him gas drops. We thought maybe his stomach was bothering him. I tried rocking him but he was very active and didn’t want to stay in the chair. I let him crawl around his room a little bit and then I noticed he was acting tired again. I put Noah down in the crib and fell back asleep pretty easily.

This morning Evan and Noah were very difficult. Evan would not get dressed and then didn’t want to come downstairs. I left Evan upstairs while I brought Noah down and got Evan’s breakfast and Noah’s bottle ready. Then, I came back up and carried Evan downstairs while he was crying that he wanted to stay upstairs. While feeding Noah Evan pulled one of the boxes of toys off the shelf and kicked it. I ignored him, but then he kicked it more so I had to stop feeding Noah and put Evan in time out. At this point both boys are crying hard. They calmed down after a little bit.

I took Evan, Noah, and Lizzy on a walk. It had been a while since I had walked. Either the weather was bad or someone was sick. We walked to the elementary school and I let Evan play on the playground for a little bit. He found a ball there but it was deflated and folded over. He still had a good time playing with it anyway. He threw a little bit of a fit when it was time to go, but I told him I had apples for him in the stroller and that made things better.

Evan and Noah didn’t eat much for lunch. Evan ate some veggies and a little bit of mac and cheese.

They both took pretty good naps. They slept until Morry got home.

We made cheesy foldovers and soup for dinner.

After dinner we went to HEB. Right before we left we noticed Noah was wet on his side. We thought Evan poured something on him, but then realized it was a blowout. Luckily he did this before we left and not while we were at HEB.

Evan and Noah are in bed now. It is quiet in Noah’s room, but it sounds like Evan is still up.

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