Friday, December 19, 2008

Playgroup at our house

This morning we had playgroup at our house. I was busy this morning getting last minute stuff made and put out on the table. The playgroup went well. One of the moms is pregnant and due December 27 so we had a little shower for her as well. The kids played well together. Noah started crying at one point. I knew he wasn’t hungry since I just fed him. I though he was probably tired. I was standing up holding him and a few minutes later he fell asleep on me. I ended up sitting down for a little while so he could get a nap in. Evan ate a ton of cookies. There were leftover cookies from cookie decorating at school yesterday so I put them out on the table. Every time I turned around Evan was getting another cookie. Normally I wouldn’t let him eat so many, but on playgroup days I tend to be a little more relaxed.

We ordered an entertainment center to hold our new TV and it was scheduled to be delivered today between 12:30 and 4:30. I put Noah down for a nap a little before 3, but Evan was still up playing while I cleaned up from playgroup. At about 3:00 the men from Lacks came to deliver and set it up. Evan was very interested in the big truck. I took him outside to look at it. While we were outside Evan looked into the upstairs window and saw Lizzy. He thought it was funny that Lizzy was looking out the window at the truck and he wanted to go upstairs too and look out the window.

It was about 3:30 by the time I took Evan to his room for a nap. He never slept. It got quiet at times, but I don’t think he was sleeping.

For dinner we went to Suzy’s (Chinese). Both Evan and Noah ate a bunch of edamame.

We just gave the boys a bath and put them to bed. I hope they sleep well tonight since we have a big day tomorrow. The train ride is at 3:00, so most likely they will not get naps tomorrow.

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