Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Night of Hanukah

Hello everyone, this is Morry. Not sure why, but Rachel asked me to write the blog this evening. Oh, and I have no idea the spelling of Hanukah. Is it Hannukah? Or Hanukah? or Chanukah? Does anyone really know?

This morning started out by Noah getting up. Since I got up with the boys yesterday, Rachel got up this morning and let me sleep in. That was nice getting some extra sleep.

When I got up, we went to HEB. We needed to get some stuff for the week, plus a salad to bring to Matt and Alissa's for (C)han(n)ukah tonight. We got Evan an apple while we walked around the store. Noah kept trying to get the apple. I'm not sure what Noah wanted to do with the apple, but he was intent on taking it from Evan. Evan, as predicted, was not really very happy about that.

When we got home, Evan insisted on helping unload the groceries. He was very good at it actually. He got out the coffee, and he knew exactly where it went. He really is perceptive. I definitely was not like that when I was his age.

Rachel made breakfast while Evan and I went upstairs to get ready for the Steelers game. Noah stayed with Rachel, but he soon got very cranky, so I came downstairs to get him. We ate breakfast upstairs during the game. Noah and Evan spent much of the game with me. We put them down for naps around the 3rd quarter.

When the boys got up from their nap we went over to Matt and Alissa's. Shortly after we arrived, we lit the candles on the Menorah. They had a special Menorah just for Evan. He and I lit his Menorah.

After that we opened presents. Evan got a Wall-E DVD and Noah got a UT blanket from us. Matt and Alissa got cookies and chocolates for both boys and a Cars car carrier (which also shoots the cars out) and Cars tattoos. Evan was very excited about the car carrier. They got Noah some blocks.

We had a nice dinner and after dinner we had some Polar Express cookies that Alissa made. Again, Evan was very happy with that.

Ben, Evan and Molly went upstairs to play and Evan played with the GeoTrax, of course.

After that, we came home and we let Evan open his gift from Zayde which was his own Terrible Towel and Steelers uniform. Evan went to sleep with his Steelers helmet (although not on). When he work his uniform, he said that he was Roethlisberger.

It was a good day all around (aside from the Steelers loss). Until next time...

P.S. I did the spell check and Blogger says that the spelling is Hanukkah. Another variation! What is up with that?

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