Monday, March 14, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Today, Aunt Susan, Sherah, JW, Nolan, and Court came over to hang out with us and Grandma, Papa, and Bubbe. The boys played outside a lot. We picked up food from Salt Lick and ate lunch here at the house. I made pasta for the kids. The kids ate outside while the adults ate inside. It was a nice day.

Everyone left after lunch. Grandma, Papa, and Bubbe drove back to Dallas.

Evan and Noah played outside some more after everyone left. I printed out treasure maps that I found online for Evan. He hid them and then unburied them in the backyard.

For dinner we had leftover tacos from a few nights ago.

Evan and Noah are acting very tired and cranky right now. We are going to give them baths and then put them to bed.

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