Saturday, March 19, 2011

Last Day of Two

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today is the last day that Noah is two. At 7:16am Sunday morning, Noah will officially be three. Today, though, was not without some terrible two's from Noah.

Rachel got up early to go running with other moms. Evan and Noah got up after Rachel left the house. When I got up, I got the boys dressed and gave them breakfast. Rachel got home by that point.

I had made a vet appointment for Mottel with his regular vet. He hadn't had a regular checkup in two years. That's when they discovered his weight-loss and started us on the trips to the internist and all the steroids that Mottel took. Mottel absolutely hates leaving the house and always vomits at least once in his carrier. I thought if I brought both boys with me today, he might feel more comfortable. I set him in between the boys. That did not help. He vomited and pooped in his carrier on the way.

At the vet, the boys petted Mottel and I guess Noah got a piece of fur in his mouth just as the vet came in. As I started to talk to the vet, Noah started whining very very loudly "Daddy, I need a paper towel! Daddy, I need a paper towel!" The nurse got him a paper towel. Moments later he started whining again. It was embarrassing. The nurse got him a cup of water which seemed to help.

Meanwhile, Mottel's weight has stabilized which is a good thing. He's gained about a half a pound from two years ago, but he's down 2.5 pounds from 3 years ago. The vet believes that Mottel has something equivalent to Crohn's Disease. Some auto-immune disease that causes his intestines to be inflamed and makes it so he does not gain weight. But as long as he's not losing weight, we're fine. Unfortunately, Mottel has cataracts. We can go see an ophthalmologist, but I just am not sure it's worth it. It's very very upsetting to go thru surgery for Mottel. But at the same time, I don't want him to be blind at the end of his life. It's tough.

When we got home, we went to Walmart to get some things for Evan and Noah's party. The boys were very hyper and weren't listening that well as they ran thru the store. We ran into Academy Sports to see if they had baseball pants for Evan. They did, but they were too big.

We came home and had lunch. After lunch, Matt, Rachael, and Max came over. Matt needed to borrow our video camera. They stayed here until dinner time. Max thought Lizzy was hilarious. Every time Lizzy did anything, Max would laugh. At one point, Lizzy got on the back of the couch to look out the window. Max laughed and laughed. Lizzy was really good with him. Even when Matt and Rachael came in and Lizzy was hyper, she sensed that Matt was holding a baby and did not jump on him. Just another reason why Lizzy is the best dog.

For dinner, we went to TGI Fridays. It was in Southpark Meadows and we needed to go to Sports Authority and Target there. We had a coupon which is why we went there. The boys were very good and ate very well. Noah had a bunch of my salad which was good.

We ran into Sports Authority and they didn't have pants for Evan either. We did get him baseball socks.

At Target, we picked up Nerf darts for the Nerf dart gun that Evan bought with his own money from the garage sale next door.

We came home and Evan tried out his Nerf gun. Rachel and I read him the riot act about what he could shoot at. We made him repeat everything back to us.

They are "in bed" now but still awake.

Until next time...

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