Thursday, March 17, 2011

Celebrating Noah's Birthday at School

This morning Evan gave me a hard time getting ready for school. Luckily it was pajama day in Noah's classroom, so it didn't take long to get him ready.

After I dropped the boys off at school I went to HEB to pick up cupcakes for Noah's class and then went to Target.

I came home for a little bit and then got to school about 12:15. Evan said he wanted to come to Noah's party so we picked Evan up from his class first. In Noah's room they were finishing lunch. Evan joined them at the table for lunch since his class hadn't started eating yet. After the kids finished their lunch we passed out cupcakes and sang happy birthday. Noah enjoyed being the center of attention.

After cupcakes the kids went outside to find hidden gold coins.

When we got home from school I tried putting Noah down for a nap. He didn't sleep.

Both boys were pretty cranky in the afternoon so I thought going outside would help. Evan enjoyed riding his scooter and bike, but Noah kept getting frustrated riding his tricycle. He still doesn't understand how to pedal and steer.

For dinner we made a Wanchai Ferry frozen Chinese dinner. The boys ate their food well. Evan had pasta and Noah had hot dog.

For dessert we gave them the choice of cupcake or grapes and they choose grapes. They just wanted the ring off the top of the cupcake and they were happy.

We are going to put the boys to bed now.

here are some pictures and videos from today.

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