Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Running around

This morning I ran the boys to school pushing the stroller and then ran back home. It was about 3 miles.

Then, I had an appointment for a bra fitting. There's a company here that gives out free bra fittings and bras to breast cancer survivors. The woman I met with was very nice and she gave me 4 new bras to take home.

After that I went to the party store to get some stuff for Evan and Noah's birthday party. We need to get the invitations ready and sent out soon. It will be here before we know it.

Evan and Noah had good days at school. They both were in good moods when I picked them up, but by the time we got home they were both very cranky. I tried to get Noah to nap, but he got very angry and was banging the door against the wall. I made him stay in his room for a little while, but soon let him come out and watch tv in the game room.

Blanca came at 3:45. I tutored 2 students and then met Morry and the boys at California Pizza Kitchen in the mall. After dinner I tutored one more student.

I got home around 9:15pm. Both boys were ready for bed, but not asleep yet. Noah is still talking/playing.

Here is the video from yesterday when we picked up Morry and Evan at the airport.

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