Sunday, March 20, 2011

Noah's Third Birthday

TODAY IS NOAH'S BIRTHDAY! It's hard to believe it was 3 years ago today we were at the hospital meeting little Noah.

This morning the boys slept in a little bit.

For brunch we went to Waterloo. The boys played on the playground while we waited for our food. They shared a waffle and fruit and both ate very well. It was a successful meal.

Then, we went to Locomotion, an indoor play place. They have inflatables and then different rooms where kids can pretend to do different things. We all had fun. Evan and Noah were pretty worn out by the end.

We gave Noah a choice between Italian Ice (Water Ice) and smoothies. He picked Italian ice. We went to Rita's on campus and it happened to be free Italian ice day, so we all got a free cup. While we were waiting in line Morry found out the guy behind us went to his same high school a few years after Morry was there. Small world.

We came home and gave the boys their birthday presents from us. They got air hockey and Foosball tables. We bought them from our neighbor who had a garage sale. We had been looking for an air hockey table and when I did a search on Craigslist a few days ago I saw our next door neighbors were having a garage sale and selling those items.

The boys played with all of their new toys for a little bit and played outside.

For dinner we went to Spaghetti Warehouse.

We put the boys to bed a while ago, but both are still awake and playing in their rooms.

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