Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Noah's Terrible Twos - Are they almost over?

This morning I had to fight Noah getting dressed. We were late to school. He threw a fit in the hallway at school and his teacher had to help me get him in the room. Evan was good though. In my fight to get Noah out the door and in the car, I forgot the boys backpacks with their lunches. I had to drive back home and then back to school to drop off their stuff.

After that I drove downtown to turn in the final paperwork for my speeding ticket/defensive driving.

I came home for a little bit and then picked up the boys. When I was getting all of Noah's stuff together to bring home I noticed his water wasn't with his stuff. He insisted it was not outside, but when I looked out the window I saw it on the playground. He threw a fit when I went to go get it. He kept saying it was not his water. Even when I brought the water bottle back inside the classroom he was still screaming that it was not his. It clearly said, "Noah" in my handwriting on the bottle. I don't know what his problem was. Then, he didn't want to leave the room. So, I left to get Evan and came back and got him.

When we left Evan's classroom, his friend Victoria ran up and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Evan told me Victoria likes him a lot. :)

After school, first we we went to Party City to pick up some more things for the boys' birthday party. Then, we went to Home Depot. I got 10 more bags of top soil and 6 more bags of pebbles.

When we got home I used the bike trailer to haul the bags to the backyard from the car.

Noah actually took a nap today. I was very glad for that.

When Morry got home we started dinner and we spread out the soil and pebbles in the backyard.

For dinner i had salmon and Noah ate so much of my fish I had to make another one. Morry had Buffalo wings and we both had salad.

After dinner Morry had to work on our taxes so I took the boys with me to HEB.

We put Evan and Noah to bed but they are both still awake. I hear Evan attempting knock knock jokes. I heard something about "orange you glad I didn't say banana."

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