Friday, March 18, 2011

Central Market Lunch and Playground

This morning I took a short run with Lizzy and pushing the boys in the stroller.

Then, we went to Central Market to meet up with the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls for lunch. Evan and Noah were not well behaved. They were both cranky, whiny, and fought with each other a lot. I kept having to interrupt my conversations to deal with them. They were the only kids at the lunch this time. Next time I'll go without them. No one else seemed annoyed, but still... it was not very pleasant for me.

After lunch the boys played on the playground at Central Market. They had a good time out there.

When we got home I tried to put Noah down for a nap, but was unsuccessful.

For dinner we used one of our Groupons at Santa Rita. We ate outside and the boys actually ate pretty well.

After dinner we made a quick trip to HEB.

We just did baths and now the boys are in bed.

Here's a video from the playground

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