Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Naked Noah

This is how Noah went to school today. Noah was up around 8am and started whining about getting dressed as I was getting things ready for school. I gave him a 5 minute warning and said I would be up to help him get dressed. I gave him 3 options of where he wanted to get dressed and he said none of them and got even more upset. Sometimes Noah just sleeps in his pull-up. Last night was one of those nights. I was able to wrestle him down and get his pull-up off, but I just couldn't get his clothes on after that. I would get one leg of his underwear on and he'd pull out his other leg. This went on for several minutes. I told him he was not going to go to school like that. I got so tired of the fight, I eventually thought, "why not". I really wanted to make a 10:00 Yoga class.

I grabbed his clothes and put Noah in his car seat without any clothes on.

School starts at 9am, but even though I had everything else ready on time, we didn't get to school until about 9:15.

I carried Noah into his classroom and then got him dressed in the room. Once we got to school he was fine and acted like nothing was bothering him.

After getting Noah changed and dropping off both boys I didn't get home until around 9:45 and didn't have enough time to get to Yoga. I was pretty annoyed.

I met Morry at the bank and then we went to lunch at Torchy's tacos.

Evan and Noah were in good moods when I picked them up at school.

At home, I put Noah down for a nap and he fell asleep on the floor at his gate.

Blanca came at 3:45.

I tutored and got home at 7pm.

Evan had baseball practice at 5:45 so Morry took Evan and Noah and got home a little after 7pm.

For dinner Morry and I had dinners we picked up from My Fit Foods earlier in the day.

We got Evan and Noah ready for bed, but for some reason they are not in their rooms right now. They are both downstairs.

It's been a looooong day.

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