Thursday, September 2, 2010

Evan’s Favorite Foods

This morning, Noah didn’t want to go to school. He started getting upset as soon as he realized we were getting ready to leave the house.

We went to Noah’s classroom first, but Noah was so upset, I took him with me to Evan’s room for a little bit. Then, we went back to Noah’s room and I had to leave him there crying. Poor little guy. They said he was better during the day what would have periodic moments of being sad. In Noah’s class they made a friendship fruit salad. They asked everyone to bring their favorite fruit to share. We brought in watermelon. Noah likes watermelon and it was something we already had in the house. There were quite a few other bags/containers of watermelon.

In Evan’s class they asked the kids their favorite foods and then wrote down the answers on a paper that was posted. The teacher wanted me to come over and see Evan’s answers. She said they seemed like suck up to mom answers – things that moms would want the kids to say. Evan’s favorite foods were broccoli, carrots, strawberries, clementines, and pomegranates. The other kids had answers like pizza and cookies.

When we got home I put Noah down for a nap, but he didn’t sleep.

Blanca came at 4pm. I tutored and came home at 6:30.

For dinner we had crock pot brisket and baked potatoes.

The boys are cleaning up now and we are about to put them to bed.

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