Saturday, September 11, 2010

Anyone want a cranky 2 year-old?

This morning I got up early and met some friends at the school at 7:15am. We ran 6.27 miles. Woohoo! That’s the longest I’ve run. Before that my farthest was 6.2 miles when we did the 10k a few years ago. It was a good run and I enjoyed having company. It went by faster. I had to walk just a little bit on a few of the hills.

I got home a little after 8:30 just as Noah was getting up. Morry and Evan left to take Lizzy to the vet for her yearly check up. Everything looked good for Lizzy, but I was left with the cranky kid. He cried most of the time.

Noah is usually pretty demanding and can be cranky, but for some reason the last few days have been really tough. Last time this went on for a while another mom suggested maybe he had an ear infection. Sure enough, he did. I’m hoping he doesn’t have one now. We may need to get him checked out if this continues.

When Morry , Evan, and Lizzy got back we went to the gym. We put the kids in the child care and Morry and I relaxed in the hot tub for a little bit.

Leaving the gym Noah threw a big fit. He was upset because he didn’t want to leave and wanted to eat lunch there. Morry had to carry Noah out the car.

We got home and ate lunch. Then we put Noah down for a nap. I was able to nap too.

Morry left the house around 5pm to go to the UT football game. That’s when Noah woke up from his nap.

He was cranky from the start, but then got really upset and threw a full out tantrum. Noah didn’t want to eat his bread and wanted me to put it back in the package. Instead of putting it back I gave it to Evan, who wanted more bread. This set Noah off for some reason. He calmed down a little later, but then got upset again when he saw me packing the diaper bag for dinner. He wanted the watermelon right then.

Before dinner, we went to Barnes and Noble for a little bit. I let the boys pick out cookies to have for dessert after dinner. Evan picked out a sugar cookie and Noah picked a chocolate chip cookie. Noah got upset again because he wanted his cookie right then. Then, leaving the bookstore and all the way to dinner Noah was throwing a fit in the back of the car.

We got to Galaxy Café and both boys were being kind of wild while I was trying to order. We sat down and then Evan got really upset because he didn’t want the juice I brought him. He wanted his own fountain drink. He kicked off his shoe and threw one at the table next to us. Luckily no one was sitting there. I finally got him to calm down by taking pomegranate out of the diaper bag. That kept both boys occupied for a while and then they finally calmed down and ended up eating well.

On the way home I let each boy have half a cookie.

We played for a while when we got home and then I put both kids to bed. It seems like Noah is asleep, but Evan just came down and is talking to me.


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