Friday, September 10, 2010

Cranky Morning, Better Afternoon

This morning we were pretty busy. Noah got up a little before Evan. We had breakfast and then took a short walk. Then, we went to the library and then to HEB. We needed to pick up a few more things for playgroup this afternoon. Evan was really cranky for some reason. We got comic books at the library and Evan wanted to bring his into HEB. He wanted to sit in the cart and read it. Evan never sits in the cart. I was just getting a basket since we only had a few things to pick up. Evan complained throughout the whole store he kept crying that he didn’t want to walk. Then he was crying because I wasn’t buying certain things.

For lunch neither kid ate very much.

I put Noah down for an early nap and he actually slept.

Noah got up around 3:15pm and playgroup started at our house at 3:30pm. It was a good turnout and we had a nice time. The kids played outside for a little bit, but it was hot and muggy so we all came back inside. There were mostly girls at the playgroup, but Evan and Noah didn’t seem to mind. Everyone played well together.

For dinner we picked up Salt Lick for us and Lisa. Lisa, is a mom from our playgroup that recently had a baby. We signed up to bring them dinner tonight. We dropped off the dinner at their house and then came home to eat our dinner. Again, Evan and Noah didn’t eat much. Evan ate a lot of the bread, but not much else.

The boys are playing with GeoTrax now, and in a little bit we’ll put them to bed.

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