Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sleepless In Austin

We were up about every 2 hours last night. Noah kept waking up. It wasn’t necessarily that he was feeling sick. One time he wanted milk, another time he said he was hungry, etc. It took a long to get him back to sleep each time.

This morning we planned on taking both kids to swim lessons. We didn’t think either one had a fever. We got Evan and Noah dressed in their swimsuits. Noah started acting really cranky and we decided that I would just take Evan. Noah would stay home with Morry.

On the way to swimming Evan and I stopped at Target to get goggles, a present for Sabastian’s party, and a few other things.

When we got to the pool Evan threw a fit because he said we were supposed to go outside first. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t calm down. I told him we could go to the outside pool for one minute. As we were coming in he said he needed to go to the bathroom. In the family locker room there are 2 bathrooms. Both were locked. I think the people were changing their kids in there even though there are separate private changing/shower stalls. Evan starting crying because he needed to go to the bathroom. Finally the people came out and Evan went potty. Evan started complaining his stomach hurt and he didn’t want to do swim lessons. I really believe he wasn’t feeling well. So, we ended up not doing his swim lesson.

At home Evan seemed like he was feeling better. So later in the afternoon I took him to Sebastian’s party. Morry and Noah stayed at home. The birthday party was in a high rise apartment complex pool. Bernardo’s parents live downtown and rented out the indoor pool for the party. Evan had a good time playing in the water. They had a clown, but the clown did his show in Spanish. Evan got bored and we went back in the water.

On the way home we picked up Chick-Fil-A for dinner.

We just gave the boys baths. Noah threw a really big fit when it was time to get out of the bath. He also fought going to bed. It just got quiet in there. I really hope he sleeps better tonight.

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