Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Rachel took it easy and didn't rush to get Evan to school. Apparently, with the summer having started, for some reason, parents are getting their kids to school later. So she decided not to push it today. She got the kids breakfast and put them in the bike trailer. She then biked the boys to Evan's school.

At school, Evan had a good time. One of the girls in his class was having her birthday so they had cupcakes.

Rachel and Noah drove to pick Evan up from school. She came home and put Noah down for a nap.

Right as nap time started, it began to rain heavily. There was a lot of thunder and lightning. Noah slept through it, but Evan kept coming into the room where Rachel was trying to nap. He said he wasn't scared, but normally he lets Rachel nap.

The rain gutters that we had put on the house seemed to work well.

On my way home from work, I picked up Madam Mam's for dinner. It's a Thai place. We had gotten food ready to grill for tonight but since it was raining, grilling was out. We made macaroni and cheese for the boys.

After dinner, Rachel left to tutor. The boys and I put some jigsaw puzzles together and watched Scooby Doo.

They are in bed now.

Until next time...

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