Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Day About Nothing

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Noah slept through the night last night. Early on in the night we heard him cough some, but he was able to get through the rest of the night and we didn't hear him. He got up a bit before 8am. I put him in the gameroom and turned on Mickey Mouse for him. Evan was up a short time later and the two boys proceeded to play throughout the house.

Later Rachel and I got up and brought the boys downstairs. Noah was very cranky. We decided to go out in the backyard but Noah wouldn't put his shoes on. Rachel finally got him to come outside for a bit.

For lunch, Rachel made blue eggs and ham for the boys. Evan ate all of his and Noah ate some of his.

While we were eating lunch, Rachel saw an ad at Kohl's for Woody boots from Toy Story. We had gotten some for Noah a while ago but they didn't have Evan's size at the time. So Rachel took Evan, after lunch, to Kohl's. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful again. After that they went to Old Navy to return some stuff and then to the bookstore so Evan could play with trains. He saw his friend Marissa there who was also playing trains. Evan said he didn't say hi to her. He said he was too tired to say hi. He's already coming up with excuses at the age of 4.

I stayed home with Noah and I put him down for a nap. He slept pretty well.

Rachel called up DirecTV and argued and was able to get them to reduce our bill, as well as get them to come out and replace our dish with a dish that will enable us to get one show and tape another. We fought with DirecTV about a year and a half ago for the same reason but were unsuccessful. Rachel was persistent this time and was on the phone for well over an hour. Maybe something magical happens if you're able to put up with them for an hour. At one point they told her they couldn't give us the new customer deal because we'd lose all the perks we're getting as long-time customers. I'm still trying to figure out what those perks are, because it sure seems like a much better deal to be a new customer.

For dinner, I went and picked up Little Caesar's. The boys did not eat though.

We just put them down for bed.

Until next time...

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