Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shmevan showed up

Shmevan showed up this morning. I don’t know where he came from. Every Thursday during the summer at Evan’s school they have water day. When I tried to get his swim suit and sunscreen on he threw a fit and it escalated from there. I barely got him strapped into the car seat. I had to pry him off my leg when I was leaving his classroom. I’m not sure what the deal was, but the rest of the day he was ok.

I dropped Noah off at Alena’s house and came home for a little bit.

I tutored from 11 -12.

I was planning on bike riding to pick up the boys, but it started raining.

I drove to pick up Evan and then we went to Alena’s house. We hung out there for a little while and then I brought the boys home.

Noah napped and Evan watched TV.

For dinner we made a frozen Chinese dinner I got today in the mail (packed in dry ice) for the blog. It was quick and easy.

Morry and I folded a ton of laundry today. We had 3 baskets piled high.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed, but they are both still awake.

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