Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Full Day

This morning both boys were up around 7:30am. I’m not sure why Noah got up so early.

After I dropped Evan off at school Noah and I went to the gym. Noah cried when I dropped him off in the child care so I stuck around a while and then left for my dance jam class.

After the gym Noah and I went to HEB. We had a lot of stuff to buy. Noah was good and enjoyed eating his apple while I was shopping.

After that we went to drop off Morry’s suit for dry cleaning.

When we got home I gave Noah lunch and quickly put away the groceries. Then it was time to get Evan.

At home I let the boys play in the backyard for a little bit while I made my lunch and made a smoothie for all of us.

I put Noah down for a nap and he slept a while.

Blanca came at 4:15 and I tutored my last student for the semester.

For dinner we had grilled chicken marinated in Garlic Expressions, corn on the cob, and sourdough bread.

After dinner we all went to Half Price Books. Morry wanted some books for our trip and the boys each picked out books. I got some other kids books for them as well.

Evan and Noah are now in bed and it seems to be quiet.

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