Monday, January 25, 2010

More on Noah

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, Noah pretty much slept through the night. Well, he didn't need to be held. He got up at one point and called for me. I came in there and just gave him his pacifier and he went back to bed. A little later he called for me and I went in there and he had finished the juice that he went to bed with. He wanted more. I took that to be a good sign.

In the morning, Rachel made an appointment for him to go see his normal pediatrician. Gabby came over and took care of Evan. Noah seemed happy to see Gabby. He was upset to go to the doctor though.

At the doctor, she said that his ears didn't look red and that his throat was still red. She felt that he didn't need to have more antibiotics and the shot yesterday was good enough. She said that his limp last night came from the antibiotic shot. He seemed to be walking fine today. Everything else looked good. I think we're just going to have to wait this thing out.

Both boys took good naps. Blanca came over while Rachel went to tutor. When I got home, Evan had put all of his army guys in a pile. He told me it was a fire. Then he got some maracas and told me that he was roasting marshmallows and he wanted me to burn mine. When we were in Seattle, we roasted marshmallows and I caught one on fire. I think that's what he was referring to.

For dinner, we had pasta. Evan ate all of his pasta, plus carrots, snap peas, pickles and he had ice cream for dessert. I think he may be going through a growth spurt. He's been eating really well. Noah didn't eat. He cried most of the dinner. Before dinner, he asked for popcorn. I made some microwave popcorn and he ate some of that. But he didn't eat the pasta at dinner.

After dinner, we tried to put Noah to bed. He told me he was hungry so I took him downstairs. He ended up eating a lot more popcorn. He had some smoothie and most of a drinkable yogurt. He went to sleep with his juice cup again.

Let's hope we have a good night.

Until next time...

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