Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning really began at midnight when Evan came into our room. He hadn't yet been asleep. I refused to put him back into bed, but he finally went by himself.

We had to get up at 5am this morning for Rachel's endoscopy. She was to check in at 6am and was scheduled to have the procedure at 7. Everything went smoothly. They wheeled her away from me just before 7 and she was wheeled back just after 7:10. By 7:40 we were getting discharge instructions and by 8am we were back on Mopac. The endoscopy itself revealed no ulcers or tumors or anything bad. So Rachel is clean from that standpoint.

Meanwhile, Grandma/Lynn was taking care of the boys. Well the boy. Noah continued to sleep and was still asleep when we got back home shortly before 8:30. Evan was upset because Grandma didn't know how to start the Blu-ray player to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. We got that on Netflix and Evan seems to love it. Grandma took Evan to school and I went to work.

When Rachel got up, she, Noah and Grandma went to HEB and then they picked Evan up from school. After that the boys went down for naps.

When I got home the boys were playing with Grandma. Evan wanted to watch the movie again.

For dinner, we had a slow cooked turkey breast cooked in apple cider. It was pretty good. We also had potatoes. Evan ate some shrimp and Noah had a hot dog.

After dinner, Noah was very cute. He was pretending to get stuff out of his play refrigerator that Zayde had gotten for him last Hanukkah and brought it to Grandma to eat. He got out bananas, apples, milk, yogurt and carrots.

The boys are now in bed. We'll see what Evan does tonight.

Until next time...

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