Thursday, January 7, 2010

Appointment with the Oncologist

Today, I met with my oncologist and also had my after chemo blood test. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm officially done with chemo. The doctor seemed really positive about everything. The blood test results were good. I’m still slightly anemic and my platelets were low, but nothing to worry about. Dr. Patt said that’s typical for just having had chemo. We talked about what the plan is now that I’m done with chemo. Since I have the BRCA1 gene mutation I’m at a higher risk of getting ovarian cancer. It has been recommended that I have my ovaries removed at some point to lower that risk. Dr. Patt showed me the statistics and BRCA1 carriers have only a 2.2% chance of getting ovarian cancer by the age of 40. It goes up significantly at ages 50 and 60. Dr. Patt said I’m at no greater risk because I have already had breast cancer. She recommends I wait a few years to have a hysterectomy. One of the reasons is bone density loss. After a hysterectomy the reduction in hormones can cause bone density issues. Tomorrow I’m going to get a bone density test to get baseline measurements.

So now what? Well, the plan is for me to go for checkups with the oncologist every 3 months and get ovarian cancer screening every 6 months. My next appointments for those are in early April. In two weeks I’ll go back to Dallas for more follow up appointments with the breast surgeon and plastic surgeon. I would also like to get the opinions of the oncologist and gynecological oncologist while I’m there.

How am I feeling? I’ve been doing pretty well the last few days. I’ve been trying to eat healthier and I think that has been making a difference in how I feel. I'm still recovering from chemo, but feeling better each day. I’m not as nauseous and hardly achy now. I went to a Yoga class for cancer survivors yesterday. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I actually really liked it. There were about 10 women in the class. They meet weekly, and I plan on going again.

I’m still really tired and exhausted. I'm sure the fatigue will stick around for a while.

Tomorrow I have a busy day. First, I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Then, I go for my bone scan. After that, I’m meeting with a new acupuncturist. Someone at Morry’s work recommended this guy – he’s a doctor and actually from China.

Hope your new year is off to a great start.

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