Saturday, December 19, 2009

Update - Still Recovering from Chemo #3

Well, here’s another update – a post chemo #3 update. I’m still not feeling so great. For some reason this treatment has been harder on me. It has been a longer recovery. The worse day this time, was better than the worse day last time, but I feel like it’s more drawn out with chemo 3. I’m still nauseous and very tired. This time I have had an annoying symptom. My hands have been hurting, almost like they are burned. It’s mostly the tops of my hands and in between my fingers. The pads of my fingers are sore too. The doctor said it is a reaction to the Taxotere (one of the chemo drugs) and gave me some steroids to take.

I had a blood test yesterday. My white blood cell count is good, but I am anemic and have a low platelet count. The doctor said that could definitely be making me tired, although it is expected and nothing to worry about.

This whole thing has really not been fun. I’m trying to stay optimistic and make the most of all of this. Although no time is a good time for cancer, I’m trying to look at it as a decent time. I was young and healthy and active. My parents are young and healthy and able to help us out. They have been able to make many trips to Austin from Dallas to help with me, the family, and stuff around the house. I have a great support system of friends and family. So many people have helped us out with meals and child care. It’s been nice having the help, but I’ll be glad when things get back to normal and I can do things on my own and take care of my family. I’m really looking forward to being active again. It’s been hard sitting around the house so much. Before all of this I was walking or running many days during week and taking the boys out of the house almost every day. Even if it was just to run errands, we were getting out of the house and doing things.

I’m not sure how this is going to change things in my life, but I know I want to make something good out of this. I want to be able to use this experience and be able to help others. I’m hoping to be able to do some of that now though my videos on YouTube. I just posted another one here. It’s not so cheery and upbeat, but I wanted others to see all sides of this.

My next, and final, chemo treatment is December 31. Since my parents will be in Israel at that time Michael and Jen (my brother and his wife) will come in for a few days to help. I’m looking forward to seeing them – the chemo, not so much.

Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Love, Rachel

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