Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This morning I took Evan and Noah to Barnes and Noble. The kids section was very crowded for some reason. Maybe because it was cold outside today? Usually when we go there aren’t too many kids. Once it got closer to noon it cleared out and Noah and Evan had the train table to themselves. I gave a few warnings that it was almost time to leave. Evan threw a fit when it was time to go. He threw off his shoes. I couldn’t get him to put them back on. There was no way I could carry both Evan and Noah out of the store, so I just started walking away toward the door. I told Evan he’d just have to walk through the parking lot with his socks on. Evan followed me to the door while he was crying and screaming. Right when we got to the door to go outside Evan decided to put his shoes on, but cried that he needed my help and couldn’t do it himself. Somehow I made it to the car and got both boys in their car seats.

When we got home we had lunch and then I put Evan and Noah down for naps.

Grandma/Lynn got here this afternoon.

For dinner Leigh, one of the moms, had food from Mangieri’s delivered to us.

After dinner Morry and I went to see the movie The Blind Side. It was nice getting out of the house. The last time Morry and I saw a movie together was the night before my surgery a few months ago.

We got home around 10:30 and Evan was still awake. Grandma/Lynn had put the boys to bed quite a bit earlier, but Evan was still up.

Tomorrow I have chemo #3. We have to be there at 8:15am.

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