Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More Work Around The House

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I took the 4 work days off this week because there is a ton of stuff that I need to get done around the house. This morning, Gabby came over to watch the boys while I continued to do my chores. We asked her to come at 9. Evan came into my room around 8:30 so we went downstairs and I gave him breakfast and ate some myself before Gabby arrived.

Gabby brought coloring books for the boys. She brought a Toy Story one for Evan and a Cars one for Noah. She obviously has spent a lot of time with them. She and Evan colored for a long time before Noah got up. When Noah got up, he was very excited to see Gabby. Gabby really plays with the boys which is nice. At one point all three of them were upstairs playing superheros.

I finished touching up the walls with paint, where I had either patched or there was some scratch. I also painted the niche where the tv and entertainment center are in our family room. The paint was done when our old entertainment center was in there and this new one isn't as big. So there were large chunks of unpainted wall that were showing.

I also cleaned up my office and went through all of the bills and receipts and insurance statements over the last year. I felt like it was a productive day.

While Gabby was upstairs with the boys, Rachel and I got lunch together. We had the boys eat lunch before us. We noticed that Noah eats better and complains less when we're not right there. Of course he and Evan play more when we are not at the table with them.

While the boys napped, we ate our lunch and then Rachel took a nap.

After naps, we ran over to Sam's Club and picked up an order we had made. Then we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get Rachel's belated Hanukkah gift - a fancy juicer. Then we picked up Wendy's for the boys.

We came home and got the boys set up to eat dinner. Blanca came over and we went out to dinner. We went to a place called Phara's. It's Mediterranean food. It was good. Then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert.

When we got home, surprise surprise, Evan was still up. I put him to bed. It seems to be quiet up there.

Until next time...

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