Monday, December 14, 2009

Rainy Monday

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Rachel is doing ok today. Her fever is gone which is the best news. She's very slowly but steadily making progress in feeling better. Only one more time of this.

Last night, Noah got up several times. He's getting a cold and he's been congested so I think that was keeping him up. The first time he called for me crying. I went in there and he sat up. He pointed to his nose and said "nose". He looked so cute. Then he said he wanted his pacifier so I gave that to him. He went back to sleep. A couple hours later Evan got me up to tell me he couldn't find his blue blanket and wanted me to find it. About 10 minutes after that, Noah woke up again and started calling for me. I gave him his pacifier and he went back to sleep.

Evan went in Grandma/Lynn's room at 8:30. I had gone to work. He told Grandma that Mommy didn't feel good and wanted to know if she could get him breakfast. She got up with him and got him some breakfast. Noah woke up closer to 10. I was glad he slept so long since he was up a bunch last night.

Grandma said that Evan was very well behaved this morning. The three of them went to HEB. Evan walked around while Noah was in the cart. Apparently the boys were very good. Unfortunately, as they were about to checkout, Evan got himself in front of the cart and got hit with the cart. Grandma felt really bad but Evan didn't cry. He is getting to be such a tough guy.

When I got home, Evan was calling for me. It's unclear how much he napped as Grandma said she could hear him running around upstairs. But it looked like he had slept some. We got Noah up and then I brought them downstairs to watch Up and have dinner. Grandma made dinner for us. It was an apple chicken meal with a pasta side. It was very good. Neither boy ate well though.

After dinner, we lit the menorahs and opened presents. Both boys really like getting presents although Noah doesn't want to open them. He wants someone else to open them for him.

We made Evan some warm milk before bed. We're hoping that may help. He came down and asked for more warm milk. Unfortunately, as I'm typing this, he just came down again. I think he's impervious to anything that makes him sleepy. I wonder if a horse tranquilizer would work. Just joking. Seriously.

Until next time...

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