Sunday, December 20, 2009

Difficult Boys

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

When Evan was a baby and he would cry all the time, we'd say it was his evil twin brother, Shmevan, who was doing all the crying. Whenever Evan would be bad, as he got older, we'd say, it was Shmevan being bad. Since Noah was an amazingly well behaved baby, we never invented Noah's alter ego. I think, though, it may be time to do that. I think Noah's evil twin, Shmoah, has been spending time at the house with us recently.

Shmoah started last night waking up twice in the middle of the night. I couldn't just give him his pacifier to calm him down. He wanted me to pick him up. As soon as I'd put him back down again, he'd cry. I changed his diaper, gave him Tylenol, rocked him, give him his pacifier. I put his crib mattress on an incline, since he's a bit congested, by putting a pillow under the mattress on one side. Eventually, both times, I just let him cry it out.

Evan got up early. Rachel kept sending him away. Eventually, he ended up getting his own Special K bar and then Rachel put on a movie for him. Then Rachel texted Blanca to see if she was available to watch the kids in the morning, but she wasn't.

When we got up, we got them dressed and then took them to McDonald's for lunch. They were both really well-behaved there. While we were ordering, they were running around a bit, but they kept hugging. It was really cute. After lunch, they played on the playground there.

Then we went to Newflower to get some produce. The boys were good there as well and they got brownies. From there we went to PetCo and got food for Lizzy and litter for Mottel. The boys love seeing all the animals. Noah, excuse me, Shmoah, threw a fit as we left and passed by the dogs up for adoption and I wouldn't stop to see them. Keep in mind that he had already spent time with them.

We got home and the boys went down for naps and I watched the Steelers game. Noah got up at half time and was very good. But when Evan came down he started misbehaving. Evan wanted to play with my iPhone and Noah wanted to play. I said they had to take turns and Noah started to cry. When it was Noah's turn, he was happy but as soon as it was Evan's turn, Noah threw a major hissy fit. He twice hit Evan in the head, completely unprovoked. Eventually I had to say no one could play with it because Shmoah, would get so upset when it wasn't his turn. He was looking for things to throw or knock over.

The end of the game was amazing. The Steelers almost lost it but Mike Wallace's amazing catch with no time on the clock won it. It was amazing. For people who want to see this catch, here it is.

We ate dinner, Rachel made us pasta. Noah would alternate being very bad by throwing his food and then be incredibly cute, throwing his hands to his face over and over saying "Oy vey!"

They are in bed now. Evan has come out once.

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