Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Uncle Mike And A Lost Dog

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, Rachel had to start taking steroids again in preparation for her chemo treatment. Theoretically, this should prevent her hands from hurting this time. Because of that, she didn't sleep well. She got up around 6am.

When Evan got up, Rachel heard him and came in the room and brought him downstairs. Blanca came at 9:30. I slept until 10.

I went through the toys to decide what the boys still play with. Blanca and Evan played with the Wii while Noah pretended to play on the Wii. He would swing a controller right after Evan would swing. It was cute.

Rachel went to Newflower to get fruits and vegetables for the new juicer. She used it for the first time this morning. She made me some. It was ok. I would not choose to have celery in my juice though.

Blanca and I got lunch for the boys. Shortly afterwards, Rachel got home and we put the boys down for a nap.

Rachel, mostly, and I cleaned up in preparation for Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen to come. Their flight was supposed to get in at 3:50. It turns out, though, that Jen had a cold and was leery about coming over. So she is staying at a friend's house tonight while Mike is staying with us.

Evan was at the top of the stairs when Uncle Mike arrived. I told him to come down and say hi, but he told us he was hiding. He eventually came down. Noah got up a short while later and was shy at first, as well. They both warmed up after a bit and were excited to have him over.

For dinner, we went to Chedd's. It's a gourmet grilled cheese place. The boys were very well behaved.

On the way home, we stopped at Toys R Us to replace one of the humidifiers we just got. Then we stopped at HEB to pick up medicine for Rachel.

As we were driving home from HEB, we saw a dog running loose. It was a yellow lab and looked sweet. We pulled over and Rachel got the dog. Unfortunately, the dog didn't have any tags. There was a group of people coming towards us and they were walking dogs, but the dog was not theirs. We saw how the dog did not bark at the group of dogs so we felt he was a safe and sweet dog. We put him in the back of the Pilot and drove home. Both boys were so excited. They thought having another dog was the neatest thing. Lizzy and this dog got along well in the backyard. I went to drive around to see if I could seen anyone either walking or driving around looking for him. I came home and helped put the boys to bed. Then Rachel and I made posters and we just put them up. We haven't heard anything yet. We let the dog in the house for a bit but then he decided to mark the couch so he's back outside. In a few minutes, we're going to put him in a crate in the garage. I think it's too cold outside. It's 64 degrees right now in the garage and at least there is no wind. Hopefully someone calls about him soon.

Until next time...

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