Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School and The Lake

Evan and Noah eventually fell asleep in Noah’s room last night and slept through the night. Unfortunately, we were woken up by Dingo (the neighbor’s dog) at around 6am this morning. Dingo had also been barking Sunday morning and Morry left a message for them then. I called again at 6 this morning and left another message. This is really annoying! We later found out they are out of town until Saturday.

Evan woke up a little after 7am. He got to say goodbye to Grandmom.

By the time I got Evan to school it was almost 10am. We had a hectic morning. For some reason Evan decided to poop in his pull-up while he was in our room while I was getting dressed. It was a mess and was not all contained in the pull-up. I had to just hose him off in the shower.

After we dropped Evan off at school, Noah, Lizzy, and I went to walk around the lake. Noah and Lizzy seemed to enjoy it. Lizzy got to go swimming a little.

We got home had lunch and then it was pretty much time to pick Evan up at school.

Evan was very happy to see me and hugged me. Patricia (one of the teachers) said he did well today and was very loving. She said he hugged her and said “I love you” to her.

After a little fight, I got both boys down for naps in their separate rooms. They slept a really long time.

Blanca came over at 3:30 and Evan and Noah were still sleeping when Morry got home after 5pm.

I tutored 4 students tonight. While I was gone Morry and the boys went to Chick-fil-A for dinner.

I got home about 8:45 and both Evan and Noah were awake and still playing in Noah’s room. In fact, it’s 9:36pm now and they are still talking and Evan playing with his Buzz doll. I hear a lot of machine gun sounds in there.

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