Friday, September 4, 2009

Noah Gets Into Trouble at Playgroup

Evan was up early again and Morry got him set up in the game room.

We went to playgroup this morning at Sonya and Avery’s house. It was nice, and the boys were having fun. Sonya and I were talking in the dining room where Noah was along with some other kids. She was just telling me that I shouldn’t feel like I need to stay in that room. The kids were playing well and there were lots of toys in the room. Just as she was saying that, Noah went to the corner of the room (where there weren’t any toys) and pulled a wine glass off of a rack. Before I could get over there he dropped it on the floor and it broke. I felt horrible. Sonya was not mad and said it was ok, but still I felt bad. We were both standing there. I just couldn’t get over there in time. A little later, Noah got into a stamp pad and got ink all over the hardwood floor and himself. Luckily it easily wiped off the floor.

After playgroup, we stopped by the library and returned some videos.

At home, Evan had a good lunch. He ate lots of tomatoes and enjoyed making his own jelly sandwich. I put bread, and little cups of jelly and almond butter on his plate. He enjoyed using his knife to spread the jelly on the bread. He didn’t eat the almond butter though. Noah just made a mess and threw his jelly sandwich on the floor. Maybe he ate a little bit of it?

Evan and Noah only napped for about an hour or an hour and a half.

Morry picked Grandmom/Marilyn up from the airport and got home around 4:30. Evan and Noah seemed happy to see her. Evan wanted to play games on her iphone.

We all went out to eat at the Olive Garden. The boys were pretty good and Evan ate a lot of pasta.

We just put the boys to bed, but Evan is still up and fighting sleep.

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