Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning as I was getting ready, Evan came in the bathroom. When I was finished, I got him some breakfast and put on the tv for him in the gameroom.

Rachel took the boys to school and cleaned up the house while they were at school.

Since today is election day and I didn't do early voting, I figured it was best to vote during lunch. I knew there would be a line before and after work. Evan and Noah's school is right next to the elementary school where I vote so I told Rachel I'd pick them up.

So first, I went and voted. I got my first vote in an election ever. Once of the offices had a spot for a write-in candidate. I typed my name in and voted for myself. I wonder if that will show up in the election returns.

Then I went and picked the boys up. The only problem was that I was really early. I assumed that the voting wouldn't take long but I still left plenty of time. I walked right in there so I ended up being about 25 minutes early to pick up the boys. I went into Noah's room first and they were about to go outside to eat bread that the class had made with butter that the class had made. The butter was made by shaking heavy whipping cream for an hour. All the kids took turns shaking the butter. The teachers told me that Noah had a really good day at school. Apparently, Noah gets kind of whiny around mid-morning. Sometimes they take him into Evan's room and Evan gives Noah a hug and then Noah feels better and goes back to his class. When the kids were done eating their bread, Noah and I went and picked up Evan.

At home, Noah didn't take a nap. I heard him talking the whole time. Evan was very well behaved while watching tv downstairs. Occasionally, he'd come in and just give me a hug.

When Rachel left for tutoring, Blanca came over and took care of the boys. They were out back the whole time. At one point Lizzy was really barking at something. It was really annoying so I went outside. There was some frog out there. Lizzy was really drooling. I had remembered that my friend Dmitriy's dog had picked up a frog and the frog had peed in that dog's mouth. And that caused the dog to drool a lot and run around with it's mouth open and then drink. Lizzy was behaving the same way. I picked up the frog with a stick and put it outside the gate.

For dinner, I just made pasta. It's an easy meal when I'm by myself.

The boys are in bed now but neither one is sleeping. Oh, and Noah is doing very well without his pacifier. He didn't ask for it when I put him to bed tonight. We let him sleep with his light saber. That seems to be fine.

Until next time...

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