Wednesday, November 10, 2010

HEB and the Park

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning I woke up a bit before my alarm was supposed to go off. I waited until one minute before and turned the alarm off and got up. I was trying to make sure the alarm didn't wake Evan up. However, as I stood up he was walking into the room.

I showered, got dressed, and got Evan set up and went to work.

Rachel went for a run with the boys. She ran 3.1 miles today. She's trying not to over do it as she is running the half marathon this weekend in San Antonio.

The boys were very good on the run so she took the boys to the park "with the monkey bars". That's what Evan calls the Circle C park. Rachel said they were very well behaved there. Evan said he swung from the monkey bars.

Then she went to HEB. Again, Rachel said the boys were well-behaved. They got lots of samples. Unfortunately, as they were about to leave, the boys started to throw fits. I told Rachel we should time how long we are out one day until they have fits. I bet it's always the same amount of time. They're just like ticking time bombs.

They continued to give Rachel trouble at lunch once they were home.

Noah didn't take a nap.

Gabby came over to babysit while Rachel tutored.

I got home around 5:45 and started dinner for the boys. Noah had a Lunchable for dinner. It comes with ham in it. Noah asked Evan to cut it up for him. Evan went and got a kids knife out of the drawer and cut it for him acting like the big brother. I told Evan that was very nice. Noah added "And how!"

They're in bed right now. (Not asleep but do I actually have to type that?)

Until next time...

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