Monday, November 1, 2010

No More Pacifiers

This morning Evan helped me gather all the pacifiers. I had a talk with Noah the other day. I told him he could pick out a toy at Target in exchange for giving up his pacifiers.

First we went to the gym and then I took the boys to Target. The trip started out ok, but then it turned into a nightmare. We started out in the toy section and the boys each picked out a Batman toy. I let Evan pick out a toy too so he wouldn’t feel left out. Then we went to the Halloween section to get some good deals on costumes. While we were looking at costumes Evan started complaining that he didn’t want the Batman toy. He wanted something else. He was whining and whining. So, I took the boys back across the store to the toy section. They each spent a long time and finally decided on different toys. Evan debated between a Star Wars figure and a light saber (like Noah was getting). Evan decided on the light saber.

As we were checking out Evan told me he didn’t want the light saber anymore. He wanted the Star Wars figure. I told him it was too late. We were already checking out. He threw a major fit. There were people waiting in line behind us. I kept asking him if he wanted the light saber anyway. He wasn’t answering and then he said no. So I paid for everything, except the light saber. Evan had kicked his shoes off at this point right in front of the checkout counter. I had to get everything loaded in the cart and get Evan and Noah away from the checkout counter. Evan was throwing such a fit I couldn’t even get his shoes on. Somehow I got both boys outside the doors of the store and left the full cart there. There was no way I could push the cart, carry a kicking and screaming 4 year-old, and get a 2 year –old to the car. At this point Noah was throwing a fit for some reason too. A woman passing by saw me struggling to get both boys buckled and offered to get the cart and bring it to the car. I got Evan buckled (somehow) and loaded the car. I started the car and Evan says “Don’t go. I’m not buckled.” He had unbuckled his seatbelt. I had to buckle him back in and he screamed almost the whole way home. He wanted us to turn around and get his light saber. In the car he told me his heart hurt because I had hurt his feeling. The tantrum continued at home too. I had to put him in timeout in his room. He eventually calmed down.

By the time we got home it was 2something. I gave Noah lunch and then put him down for a nap. He didn’t sleep. After Evan had calmed down I got him some lunch and he ate really well.

I got dinner mostly ready so Morry could start it when he got home.

Gabby came at 4 and I tutored one student.

For dinner we had grilled chicken, quinoa, and bread with roasted garlic.

We just gave the boys baths and put them to bed. We’ll see how Noah does tonight without his pacifier.

Here's a video I forgot to put up yesterday.

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