Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Early Morning

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning while I was getting ready, Evan came in the room. Many times he tells me the night before that he wants to see me the next morning. As he and I were leaving the bedroom, we saw Noah at his gate. Noah seemed very awake.

All three of us went downstairs and I got them breakfast. We came up in the gameroom and I put tv on for them. I had to change Noah's diaper as well. Both boys were very talkative.

Rachel took them to school after I left. She said that Noah was excited to go to school, but when she went to leave his classroom, he got upset.

Rachel did some laundry while the boys were at school.

When she picked the boys up, Rachel was talking to the mom of one of Evan's friends. Rachel suggested that they get the boys together after school one day. Evan wanted it the boy to come over today and was in a bad mood because that wasn't going to happen.

Rachel tutored and I came home at 5:30. I promised the boys that we could go to McDonald's today since Rachel wasn't going to be joining us for dinner. Evan ate well there, but Noah did not.

We played on the playground for a bit. Evan helped Noah climb all the way to the top and come down the big slide. Evan just loves his role as big brother.

They are in bed now but not asleep.

Until next time...

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