Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Rachel and I planned to run the 20th annual Turkey Trot here in Austin. We're normally in Dallas so given that Rachel's been running and our being in Austin for the first time since 2002, we decided to run it. It's a 5-mile run.

We set our alarm for 7:30am. At 7am, Evan came in and woke me up to ask me if I was getting up soon. I said in 30 minutes, so he went back to his room for 30 minutes. As soon as the alarm went off, he came back in.

The run started at 9:30. We left around 8:15. We got off Mopac at 8:30. It took us another hour to go about 2 miles to the parking garage. There was no one directing traffic, it was as if the city was unprepared for this run. By the time we got into the garage there were no spots left. We were going to leave and by some chance we saw someone pulling out of a spot and got that spot. The race was just starting as we got there but we were back with the walkers. As we ran we had to dodge and weave people walking with dogs and strollers and everything else for the first mile. By the time we finished the first mile, I was exhausted. It was incredibly humid as it was threatening to rain and the dodging and weaving was very tiring. We mostly walked the rest of the way but mixed in some running. All-in-all, we were very disappointed with the run. It just seemed completely unorganized. Even when we finished, they had run out of bottles of water.

We stopped and got Slurpees on the way home.

When we got home, Evan was sitting watching the Macy's Parade with Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen. He looked very cute sitting in between them.

We started getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner.

We planned on having dinner at 3pm. Papa's cousin, Jimmy came over. We got a Greenberg Smoked Turkey which we warmed up for dinner. We didn't end up eating until about 3:30 or 3:45 though. The dinner was very good. Grandma made sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping. I made a Jell-O mold. Grandma made cornbread stuffing. Aunt Jen made a salad and mushrooms. We also had cranberry sauce. Rachel made a Coke Ham. Noah ate the ham, the cranberry sauce, the Jell-o, a roll and turkey. Evan had cranberry sauce, a roll and the Jell-o. They both said they liked Thanksgiving.

After dinner, Evan and Noah ended up falling asleep on the couch. Papa took dropped Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen off at the Texas football game. When he got home, we woke the boys up, gave them baths and then we went downstairs for dessert. I made chocolate creme pie and Aunt Jen had made a pumpkin cheesecake pie. Noah asked for the pumpkin pie but didn't eat it. Evan asked for the chocolate pie but only wanted to eat the crust. The both ended up eating two clementines.

We put the boys to bed, and watched some of the Longhorns game. They are both still up.

Until next time...

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