Tuesday, November 16, 2010

School and Insurance Mess

School and Insurance Mess

This morning I dropped the boys off and then went to my doctor’s appointment.

I had a check up at the oncologist office. Morry’s work switched insurance companies and when I checked in they said they didn’t take the new insurance. Well, they did, but it was considered out of network. I was still able to have my appointment after paying the new high co-pay. It’s now $55 to see a specialist. Anyway, the financial lady said they could work something out for this time. Everything was fine with my check up. I had been having some soreness but it’s most likely caused by increased activity and costochondritis (an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib) which I’ve had for a while.

Both boys were happy when I picked them up from school. They had a good day.

When we got home we did reading and writing with the letter F. Evan wrote the words “fun”, “funny”, and “fan”.

Noah did not nap.

Blanca came at 3:45 and I tutored.

I got home around 7pm.

For dinner Morry had bacon wrapped pork. I had eggs and beans and rice. The kids had macaroni and cheese.

Morry picked up the first Harry Potter book from the library and started reading it to Evan tonight.

Oh, and I think we may have gotten the insurance straightened out. I will need to make a few calls, but Texas Oncology should still be covered in our new plan.

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