Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Swimming after Dinner

This morning the boys were good. I had planned on going to the gym, but it was taking a while to get everyone dressed and fed. We had plans to meet Morry for lunch and to get an oil change for my car. Instead of going to the gym we met Morry around 11:30am at Groovy Lube to drop off my car. Then, we went to lunch at Steak n Shake.

We didn’t really know what Steak n Shake was, but it was close to Groovy Lube. It turned out to be a great place for the kids. It’s kind of like a fast food diner. You sit down and are served at the table. They had cars made out of paper that you have to fold up and chef hats for the kids to wear. Evan and Noah ate well. Noah had hot dog and Evan had peanut butter and jelly.

After lunch we picked up my car and everything worked out well.

I thought maybe we’d go to the gym afterwards, but both boys were getting a little cranky. It was already 1:00, so I decided just to go home.

It took Noah a while to nap and he didn’t nap that long.

For dinner we made pasta and then went to the gym so the boys could go swimming. Evan and Noah had a great time. We were hoping it would wear them out. They are in their rooms now, but Noah is still making noise at his gate.

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