Thursday, July 15, 2010

Noah Doesn’t want the Gym

This morning I dropped off Evan and school and then planned on going to the gym. I told Noah where we were going and he started throwing a fit. He did not want to go to the gym. I did not feel like fighting. You have to pick your battles, so I decided I would just exercise at home.

When we got home I had to first fill up the tires in the jogging stroller. Then, I got Lizzy and went for a run. When I first started I had a tough time, but I made myself keep going and ran for 2 miles.

Noah and I hung out at home for a little bit and then I brought him to Alena’s house for a couple of hours.

Later, I picked up Evan at school and then we went to Alena’s to get Noah. We hung out at Alena’s house and then came home for naps.

Noah fought napping again, but once I laid down with him for a little bit he finally fell asleep.

When Morry got home we woke Noah up so he would be able to sleep tonight.

For dinner we grilled chicken and corn on the cob.

After dinner Morry called DirecTV to yell at them. We still don’t have what they promised. We thought we’d have the whole home hooked up together, but in fact only our HD tvs are hooked to one another. Morry spent a long time on the phone. The guy was very rude, and nothing was accomplished. Ugh.

We gave the boys baths and now they are in bed.

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