Monday, July 19, 2010

Back to Exercise

So, both boys got up early this morning. They were both up by 8am.

After eating breakfast I went for a run with Lizzy and Evan and Noah in the stroller. I ran about 2 miles.

After that we went to the gym. I wanted to swim some laps and then do some of the relaxing stuff like sit in the hot tub. I got changed in the swim suit and on the door to the indoor pool there was a sign saying the indoor pool was closed due to fecal contamination. Yuck! I just sat in the hot tub for a little bit. They do have lanes outside for swimming but I had not put on sun screen.

I planned on going to HEB after the gym. When I picked up Evan and Noah from the gym child care Noah was soaking wet. He had been playing in the drinking water fountain. I’m kind of annoyed no one stopped him sooner. He had his shoes and socks off and I could not find his socks anywhere. Noah threw a fit. He didn’t want to leave the gym. I couldn’t get his shoes on and he was soaking wet. So, I decided just to go home.

I gave Evan and Noah lunch and then put Noah down for a nap.

When Morry got home he made dinner for Evan and Noah. Blanca came around 7pm so Morry and I could go out to dinner. We went to Jack Allen’s Kitchen. It was really good. We tried to go to Hey Cupcake for dessert, but when we drove up we saw they are closed on Monday. We just came back home.

When we got home Blanca was putting the boys to bed. They were giggling about something. It was cute. We just sent Blanca home and we are hoping the boys will fall asleep soon.

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