Friday, July 23, 2010

Rained out Run

This morning I was dressed and all ready to run. I had the stroller set up with drinks and fruit for the boys. I was stretching and just about to go outside when it started to pour down rain. Oh man! There wasn’t enough time to go to the gym. Playgroup was starting at 10am.

We went to playgroup for a little bit and then came back home.

Gabby came over. I went and ran some errands.

When I got home I tried putting Noah down for a nap, but he heard Evan and I getting ready to go outside. He started crying that he wanted to go outside with us. I let him come out with us. We were in the front and back yard. I was cleaning up the flower beds. We came inside to put Noah back down for his nap. For some reason he wouldn’t nap today.

For dinner we just had leftovers at home. We have gone out to eat a lot the last few nights.

After dinner we picked up Lizzy’s food at Petco and then got frozen yogurt.

When we got home we played outside in the front yard for a little bit.

We just put the boys to bed.

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