Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another busy one

This morning we needed to go to HEB before Evan’s school. They were having a party at his school and we signed up to bring bread and jelly. It took forever for us to get out of the house. Evan kept coming up with excuses. It was really frustrating. We quickly stopped in HEB and then went to Evan’s school.

After dropping Evan off Noah and I went to Target. I had heard Target was having a big toy clearance sale and we needed a few other things as well. We got quite a few good deals on toys. I stocked up for birthday parties. Noah was kind of a pain. He got upset when I wouldn’t buy certain toys.

After Target I dropped Noah off at Alena’s house for a little bit.

Later I picked up Evan at school and then Noah at Alena’s house.

When we got home I put Noah down for a nap.

When Morry got home we got ready to go to dinner. We were meeting Matt, Rachael, their kids, Aunt Jane, and Uncle Normal at Hula Hut. We got there a little late because traffic was really bad. Dinner was nice, but I sat next to Noah. He really demands a lot of attention.

We just put the boys to bed, but they are still awake.

We still have a lot to do tonight. We need to get ready for the shower this weekend, pack for our trip, and fold a ton of laundry.

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