Thursday, April 8, 2010

Morry Takes Evan to School

This morning Morry worked from home so that he could take Evan to school. Morry offered to take Evan to get smoothies first, but he didn’t want that. Morry had no problems taking Evan to school. Evan was very excited that Daddy go to drop him off.

I dropped off Noah at Alena’s house and then went to my doctor’s appointment. I met with Dr. Patt, my oncologist for my 3 month check up. I had some blood drawn, but I don’t know the results yet. She seemed happy with my progress. Dr. Patt looked at my fingernails and said that was from the Taxotere and new nail growth looked good.

I went into Kohls to get some stuff for the boys. I bought some new juice and milk cups for the boys and pajamas, belts, and pants for Evan. I also found a little Toy Story handheld arcade game for $2.99, so I had to buy it.

On the way home I stopped at HEB to return some cups I had bought for the boys.

When I got home I laid the clothes and other items on Evan bed.

I picked up Noah first and then Evan. When we got home we went upstairs for naps. Evan was very excited by all the stuff I had bought for him. The pajamas were Batman and Robin Lego pajamas. He also really liked the belts I bought him. He has been wanting a belt for a while, but I wasn’t able to find any in his size.

Noah fell asleep right away. I went to lie down and Evan tucked himself in bed for a nap. I thought he would just play in the game room, but he must have been tired.

For dinner Morry and I ate left over cinnamon chicken that we had frozen a few weeks ago. It was good, but it took a long time to heat up. While we were waiting for it to thaw and heat up we gave the boys dinner. I made chicken nuggets, but neither one ate them. They did eat some veggies and bread and then fruit for dessert.

Evan and Noah are in bed now. Tomorrow we have their yearly check-up appointments. We’ll let you know how those go.

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