Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gym and a Date

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, both boys got up saying their tummy hurt. Neither seems to be serious, luckily. Apparently the virus that caused Evan's croup is associated a bit with a small intestinal virus and Noah may have that. Evan seems to be fine.

Evan got up around 7:30 this morning. As usual, I went down and got breakfast for him and then he watched tv in the gameroom.

We hadn't yet signed up at Lifetime Fitness and we got invited to an open house there. So we could use the gym for free and they'd buy as lunch as part of it. This particular gym has a cafe in it. We went over there and put the boys in the daycare. We didn't realize this but the daycare has an outside area so the boys ran to go out there. I think they had a good time. Rachel and I worked out for about an hour, including going into the basketball area and just shooting hoops. We got the boys and went and ate at the cafeteria. They both ate their chips and some of the fruit but they didn't eat their peanut butter and jelly sandwich. After lunch, we went into the pool area for free swim. They have a big water slide and things that spray. And a lot of the pool is shallow enough for both boys to walk around. We also had them tested for which swimming class they should go in. Evan went on the water slide but the end was tough because it put him into deeper water. A lifeguard was there to catch him, but I think going underwater scared him a bit. He wasn't crying, but he didn't seem to keen to do it again.

After the gym we came home and Noah took a nap. Evan played upstairs. I did some work. Rachel did some blog stuff and then took a nap.

Erika and Jonah came over tonight so we could go on a date. The boys were eating when they got here but finished before we left. Neither Evan nor Noah seemed upset when we left so that was good.

We weren't sure what we were going to do but ended up at the Melting Pot. It was nice and it was nice to have some quiet time.

When we got home, both boys were in bed and sleeping (although I guess Noah woke up when he heard us). They said that Evan didn't give them a hard time which is good. Noah threw a mini-fit but overall he went to bed easily. I'm glad that it was so easy for them.

Until next time...

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