Monday, April 19, 2010

Ice Skating

This morning Evan, Noah, and I went to the gym. I ran for 3 miles on the treadmill. Evan and Noah did well in the childcare. The didn’t fight going in and they seemed happy when I picked them. Evan wanted to spend more time there playing on the computers.

We came home at 11:30 to meet Gabby. I asked Gabby to come over to watch Noah so that I could take Evan out and do something fun. When Gabby got here, Evan wanted to play with her so I let him play outside for a while before we got going.

On the way out we stopped to pick up some clothes. I posted an ad on Freecycle that I was looking for some smaller clothes since many of mine don’t fit anymore. A few people said they might have some clothes for me. Anyway, this one lady put together a whole bag full for me. I met her husband at his work and he gave me the bag. There were some really nice dresses, jeans, and other clothes in there.

I asked Evan if he would like to go to the ice skating rink. He got really excited. He has not been ice skating before. He thought it was so cool when I put on his ice skates. He seemed pretty comfortable walking around in them on the floor. Then we got to the ice… he was very whiny at first and didn’t seem to like it. We came back to the seating area and I let him pick out candy from the vending machine to share. He picked the package of red skittles. When we finished the candy he said he wanted to go ice skating again. He would not let go of the rail. He held the rail with one hand and my hand with the other. As time went on he seemed more comfortable. He didn’t want to leave and threw a mini-fit as we were leaving. I asked him what he wanted for lunch, but he was so involved in his tantrum he said he didn’t want lunch so we just came home.

When we got home Gabby left and I put the boys down for naps. Evan started out in the game room, but ended up sleeping in his bed. I think the ice skating really wore him out. It wore me out. Evan after Morry got home, Evan did not want to get up from his nap.

For dinner we had couscous and burritos we made and froze a few weeks ago.

After dinner we went to HEB. We saw a woman from the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls there with her husband and little girl.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed, but since Evan napped he’s not sleeping yet. He keeps coming out of his room.

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