Friday, April 9, 2010

2 and 4 year Check Ups

Evan and Noah had their check-ups today. Morry came with us to the doctor. Evan is 41.5 inches tall (75%) and 41 lbs (75%). Noah is 34 inches (50%) and 29.5 lbs (50%). Dr. Mouser was very impressed that Noah made a 6 word sentence (Mommy, I want to go home). Normally, she asks if the kids are making 2 and 3 word sentences. Everything looked good with both kids. Evan had a hearing and vision test. He didn’t really understand the concept of vision test. He was supposed to tell which way the ‘E’s were facing. It's common for 4 year-old to not understand, so we'll try again another time. Evan had to get 4 shots and cried a little. Poor guy.

On the way home we stopped at CVS. I let the boys pick out some Easter candy in the clearance section. Evan and Noah also picked out new toothbrushes. They picked out HotWheels toothbrushes with little cars on the ends.

When we got home I made lunch for the boys. Neither one ate very much.

I gave the boys haircuts, but Evan’s doesn’t look so good. We was really cranky, squirmy, and complaining and I didn’t get to finish. I let them eat a little of the candy after the haircut.

For naps Noah napped and I helped Evan put together some of his Toy Story Legos in the game room.

When Morry got home we got ready to go to dinner. We went to Evangeline Café near us. Evan and Noah were pretty well behaved and ate well. Evan ate all of his shrimp and Noah ate a lot of sausage we ordered for him.

We just gave the boys showers. Evan threw a fit because he wanted Morry to wash him. I had to hold him down while I was washing him. It was not pleasant.

The boys are in bed now. Noah seems to be asleep and Evan is playing with his Toy Story game.

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