Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gym and HEB

This morning the boys were pretty good at home. Evan got up early and Morry set him up in the game room before he left for work.

It was almost 12 by the time we got out of the house. I took Evan and Noah to the gym and Noah did a lot better this time. I was able to run on the treadmill for 25 minutes, shoot some hoops, sit in the sauna a few minutes, and swim a little bit. While I was getting dressed in the locker room they called my name over the speakers to come to the childcare. I was done with my workout luckily. Noah needed a diaper change and was crying that he wanted me. It sounds like besides that things went well. Evan told me he saw Emma (a girl in his class) and Jodie, but Allen (Jodie’s son in Evan’s class) wasn’t there since he was taking a Karate class.

After the gym we went to HEB. Evan and Noah were pretty good there. Noah threw a mini-fit and kicked off his shoes, but I kept them well fed on samples and things we were buying in our cart.

When we got home the boys had lunch and then it was nap time. Noah slept and Evan played in the game room.

Blanca came at 4:15 and went to tutor.

When Morry came home he took the boys to Evan’s sports class. We moved him into the 4-6 year-olds class. They did tennis today.

On my way home I picked up dinner at Chick-Fil-A.

We ate at home and then put the boys to bed. Evan fought sleep. Morry and I watch some TV and then went to check on Evan. He was sleeping on the landing of the stairs. Morry just moved him into his bed.

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