Monday, April 12, 2010

1 ½ Hour Tantrum

This morning Evan slept until about 7:45am – later than usual. Once Noah got up we went downstairs and I got our dinner started in the crock pot. Noah was being very needy and it took a long time for me to get it done. Normally the stew is very quick. I just brown the meat, add seasoning, and add frozen vegetables to the crock pot.

I told Morry I probably wouldn’t go anywhere this morning. It has been really hard lately when I take the boys on outings. Evan normally gives me a hard time.

Evan and Noah were very well behaved at home this morning and I wanted to get out of the house. I decided to take the boys and Lizzy for a walk around Town Lake. Usually Evan, Noah, and LIzzy enjoy going out there.

I packed some food and drinks for Evan and Noah and we all got in the car and drove to the lake.

When I was getting Noah into the stroller Evan somehow fell in the grass next to the trail and scraped his wrist. It was a little scrape but he insisted he needed a Band-Aid. I got back in the car and gave Evan a Band-Aid from the diaper bag. He seemed better after that.

Evan ran/walked for a little while alongside the stroller. Once we got to the railroad tracks (from the Zilker Park train) Evan got in the stroller. Just a few seconds later Evan tells me his band-Aid came off and he needed another one. I didn’t have any with us and that’s when the tantrum started. He was screaming about how much it hurt and that he needed a Band-Aid. I wanted to continue with the walk. I tried to go a little further, but finally I couldn’t take it anymore. He wasn’t calming down no matter how much I tried to reason with him. I couldn’t wait to just get back to the car and get another Band-Aid on him.

When we got to the car, I opened a Band-Aid and when I went to put it on him, he screamed even more. He didn’t want that Band-Aid, he wanted one at home. This one was plain, the ones at home have characters on them. So, the tantrum continued all the way home.

When we got home I opened up a Toy Story Band-Aid. Now, Evan told me he wanted a Cars Band-Aid instead. I had already opened the toy story one and told him he could tell me when he was ready for me to put the Toy Story one on. He said he didn’t like Toy Story anymore (not true). He was throwing such a fit and hitting and kicking things I put him in time out in his room. Eventually he calmed down and let me put the Toy Story Band-Aid on him. This whole tantrum lasted about 1 ½ hours. I was absolutely exhausted.

Evan said he wanted to take a nap. He actually fell asleep in his bed – top bunk because I didn’t feel like arguing with him anymore. I was able to nap for a little bit before Blanca got here and I left for tutoring.

When I came home we got dinner ready. Noah really liked the meat from the stew. Evan wouldn’t try it.

We gave the boys showers and put them to bed. Evan is still up, fighting sleep, sitting on the stairs. He’s happy and not throwing a fit, but he needs to go to bed. This is what tends to happen on days he naps.

Well, tomorrow I have to take Evan to school. I’m really hoping it won’t be as hard as last time.

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