Monday, November 9, 2009

White Blood Cells

This morning Evan got up while Morry was getting ready for work. Morry got Evan some breakfast and put on a movie for him.

Gabby came at 7:30am.

I had a doctor’s appointment at 9:00am. Last Thursday I had my blood checked in Dallas and my white blood cell count was very low. It was 1.1 and the normal range is 4.1-11.1. The doctor was not overly concerned. She said it was expected and actually a sign that the chemo was working. The doctor said I needed to be extremely careful not to get sick or get an infection when my WBC is so low. I was told if my levels don’t go up on their own I would need to get a shot (that can cause a lot of bone pain). At my appointment today, I had my blood checked again. It went up a little. It was at 1.8. Since it appears to be going up I did not need a shot today. Before my next chemo they will check my levels again.

On my way home I stopped at the mall. It was only about 10:30 so I figured it wouldn’t be too crowded. I needed to get a new watch battery and some Bath and Body works soaps. I was in and out pretty quickly.

Gabby and Blanca traded off at 12:30. I got lunch ready for the boys and Blanca took them outside to eat lunch. Blanca stayed until I got the boys down for naps.

Evan and Noah took good naps. I was able to nap too.

For dinner we used one of the gift certificates Evan’s classmates gave us. Morry picked up food from Natural Planet. Evan and Morry shared a pizza. I had a veggie burger and Noah ate hotdog.

After dinner the Steelers game was on. Evan and Noah watch some of it and then we put them to bed (in their separate rooms). Noah is still making some noise. Evan was throwing a fit and he’s actually downstairs right now. I think it’s half time now and Morry will try to put Evan back to bed.

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