Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hello everyone, this is Morry again.

Rachel is still in Dallas. I'm gaining a very profound and deep respect for single working parents through all this. Two more days to go.

This morning, as I was about to go downstairs, Evan woke up. We came downstairs and I got him breakfast as Gary showed up. Gary and I talked for a while before I left for work.

We have this phone toy that can record your voice. Apparently, Gary and Noah were playing with it. Gary recorded, in a silly voice, himself saying "Hi, Gary and Noah are not available, please leave a message." Noah thought it was hilarious. He kept playing that recording over and over.

At lunch, I ran out and got food for Lizzy.

On the way home, I went to HEB to do some food shopping.

Since I got home late and the boys have been so good, I told the boys we'd go to McDonald's. Noah was a bit cranky but as soon as we got to McDonald's he was happy. They each played with their toys from the happy meal for awhile before eating. Noah didn't eat his nuggest but Evan ate all of his stuff. Both boys sat on the same side of the booth. It was really cute. They didn't fight at all. Afterwards, I let them play on the playground for a bit. For those of you not in Austin, I think it got up to 78 or 80 today and it was still warm at 7:30pm.

When we got home we got on Skype and said good night to Rachel.

Evan is downstairs right now going to the bathroom. He is supposed to go back upstairs when he is done. He just came over and gave me a kiss and is on his way back up.

Until next time...

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